I have a terrible habit of taking on tasks that are a challenge. I seem to be unable to say ‘You know what, I don’t think that is possible’ So, I seem to always have at least one project on the go that forces me to find a solution to a curly problem.
Take this week for example. I have been making a beautiful rough diamond ring for a client. This is the first time I have used a rough diamond of these dimensions (not small!) and any rough stone is a challenge to set as it doesn’t generally tend to have even sides. So I had to mould the setting (in 18ct gold) to the shape of the stone. Not too tricky, but then I had to get the perfect finish (it has to be perfect!) (jewellery is the only area of my life where I am a perfectionist!). This posed a few problems as the stones had already been set, which means that they must be avoided when sanding the metal. Problems which my polishers told me could not be overcome. Bah! So, back to my studio I went and foraged and came up with some rubber tubing and tape. (Sound dodgy yet?!). With a bit of Magyvering and some praying to the jewellery gods, I came up with a solution and put the, beautiful, sparkly, diamond encrusted ring back into the rough old polisher…. I didn’t breathe for about half and hour. But… It Worked and I proclaimed myself a genius.
And more than that, I now know that, for next time, when a client comes to me with a similar problem, i can (confidently) say, ‘That is possible’.
So, the end result, is a happy client, a beautiful, diamond ring with ethical white gold and a gorgeous, rough, yellow, diamond. Pics in the gallery…