I recently had a client ask for a simple solitare diamond engagement ring using an asscher cut diamond. Simple is beautiful, and often when you look, simple is considered and balanced and actually quite detailed.
An asscher cut diamond is quite a thing of beauty and I encourage anyone who wants a square cut diamond to go for an Asscher. If you want to see detail in a simple design look at the cuts on this particular type of diamond.
My client was concerned that the design she wanted would be a little too classic and simple for a bespoke ring. No, no! I said. Bespoke does not mean ornate or bohemian, it simply means that you can choose just what you want. She wanted a simple but beautiful, 1ct asscher cut diamond solitare. We talked about exactly the type of setting she wanted and the width of the band that would suit her fingers. So rather than getting almost what she wanted from a pre manufactured ring, she got just what she wanted with ring made just for her. See more pictures of the ring in the gallery.